WE'VE MADE UP(!!) And I'm glad about it too(:High School Musical is N.I.C.E(!!!). DUH!

Especially if you've got someone as cute as
Lucas Grabeel in it yea!!
And how often do you see a guy in pink?? YEPP. plus, I totally think guys in pink are cute( + sensitive)!! Too bad he doesn't dress like this in real life. He'll be irresistable. (:

(note: Lucas's hat & shirt)

And he's got lovely eyes too (turquoise to be exact). OMG!
Pink yah? Sorry for the bad pictures as I've got limited time too):
Ooh, ooh, here are some goof-ups I found on the web. ENJOY!!:
(p.s. Please do not read if you haven't seen the movie)
Continuity: During "Work This Out", Troy is wearing a name-tag. But when he is singing "I'm sure we can find/A way to have fun/While we get this job done," his name-tag has disappeared.
Continuity: During the kitchen singing sequence, a greasy cloth moves from the floor to the bottom shelf of the table, then disappears, and reappears on the floor, then later disappears.
Continuity: In the scene at the pool, before Sharpay smacks the beach ball, the lifeguard is clearly not by his chair in the background. After Sharpay smacks the ball, the lifeguard suddenly appears dancing in the background.
Continuity: In the kitchen scene, three papers can be seen posted to the shelf in the background. Two of these papers disappear and reappear several times during the song.
Continuity: At the very end of the movie, when Troy jumps into the pool there is a large beach ball near him in the water. When Gabriella jumps in the beach ball disappears.
Continuity: During the sequence with the piano, before Troy lies on the piano there's no paper, after he lies on it a paper pops up on the left side of the piano.
Continuity: Sharpay's shoes are on... off... then on again during the pool song at the beginning of the movie. They are a lace-up high heeled sandal... she has them on when she first sits in the beach chair... off while dancing and in the pool... then on again at the end of the song.
Continuity: When Troy goes to caddy, Sharpay's father's helicopter is landing facing east. The next frame shows the helicopter landing west.
Continuity: In the opening song during the cafeteria scene, Gabriella's white button shirt is unbuttoned (clearly by accident) and then in the next scene it is buttoned as usual. And this happens several times.
Continuity: In the scene where Troy is talking to his dad; his dad walks in with the ribs and sets them on the bed. When his dad reaches for the picture the ribs aren't there.
Continuity: On the last number "All for one" right after the first chorus, where all the cast was singing on top of the cascade pool, they part their ways. Gabriella, Ryan and Taylor get down on the right, while Chad, Sharpay and Troy get down through the left. On the next shot, all the ladies are seen coming down on the right, while all the guys are coming down on the left.
Continuity: At the end of the scene where Troy is teaching the kids to play golf, Troy leaves and Sharpay hits a ball. Before she hits the ball, that is the only ball left. Then there is a closeup on the ball and there are two balls behind it. Then when it shows Sharpay hit the ball, there is a pile of balls and one set off to the side for her to hit.
Continuity: When Sharpay drives up to the resort there are scattered clouds in the sky. When they enter the pool area, the sky changes from partly cloudy to overcast to completely clear in a few minutes.
Continuity: When Troy and Gabriella are having a fight, she gives him back the T necklace he gave her, but the next time she sees him, she's wearing it again.
Continuity: When Sharpay and Ryan are watching Troy and Gabriella dance and play around on the golf court, Ryan's binoculars are on his right hand, then they're gone, then they're on his hand again. The light on the scene keeps changing too.
Continuity: During All For One, the number of balloons in the pool changes. First these is a cluster of 4 in front of cascade area, which then increases in number to approximately 10. The number varies between about 4 and 10 during the entire dance number in front of the pool. When the Troy and Gabriella return to the top of the cascade pool, the balloons have disappeared completely.
Audio/visual unsynchronized: In the scene where Troy and Gabriella are on the fourth fairway and the sprinklers come on, they are constantly rotating, steady-stream sprinklers. However, they are making the "ch-ch-ch-ch" sounds of impact sprinklers.
Continuity: When Troy and Gabriela where singing Everday, the microphones kept switching from one hand to another between scenes.
Continuity: When Troy and Sharpay are rehearsing You Are the Music In Me, Troys hair is blowing up while both of them are standing on the vent. Then the camera switches angle and Troy's hair isn't blowing up anymore, its straight down like there is no air blowing on them.
Continuity: As Troy and Gabriella leave the classroom, Troy's gym bag is on the floor in the classroom. It's gone for the song "What Time Is It?" and then reappears in the hallway.
Continuity: When Troy, Chad and Zeke are talking before "Work This Out", Zeke's green bandana goes from being untied to tied between shots.
Continuity: During the song "Everyday" when they are all in a circle, circling, Troy and Gaby are shown not holding hands. When they do a broader view of the whole group they are holding hands.
Continuity: During the song "I Don't Dance" Corbin and Lucas sound like they are singing during the part where they are all dancing near second base. But there lips are not moving, but when they face each other, they are shown to be singing.
Continuity: The people Troy runs past in the hallway never emerge after he turns the corner to talk with Gabriella.
Continuity: Position of Troy's microphone changes between camera shots during "Everyday" song.
Continuity: During "Work this Out" after Zac and Gabriella put away their spoons in buckets, the next shot Zac has a set in his right hand which he places on the table.
Boom mic visible: When Sharpay is telling her three girls by the pool about Troy and Gabriella taking over her show, when she looks up -- the boom mike is clearly visible in the reflection of her sunglasses being help up in the air over the character.
Continuity: When the class is chanting 'summer' in the opening scene, there is clearly a jacket on the back of Troy's chair. However, when the class throws their paper up into the air, it's disappeared.
Continuity: When Troy is outside playing basketball, his jacket sleeves are rolled down, but when Gabriella comes outside to talk to him, they are rolled up. This continues through out the next few minutes.
Continuity: In Sharpay's version of ‘You are the Music in Me’, she takes her orange jacket off and throws it on the piano. The jacket disappears and reappears throughout the song
Audio/visual unsynchronized: In ‘You are the Music in Me’, Gabriella mouths "cause" after Troy sings "because", but their voices are heard singing "because" together.
Crew or equipment visible: When Sharpay is by the pool before "Fabulous", a piece lighting equipment is reflected in her rather large sunglasses.
Continuity: When Ryan and Sharpay arrive, Mr. Fulton shows them the fliers. There is one pile and he takes one off for Sharpay to sign. When it shows an up close of her signing there are already two or three fliers underneath the one she is signing.
WARNING: EXTRA SPOILERS(!)Continuity: SPOILER: When Gabriella and Troy are about to kiss in the final scene, you see from far away that Troy is about to grab Gabriella's face. In the next shot up close, Gabriella is seen grabbing his face.
Factual errors: SPOILER: In the baseball sequence Ryan’s team was the home team and Chad's team was the away team. In this scene Chad hits final hit brings in runs to win the game for his team. In actual baseball Ryan’s team not Chad’s team would have had their last ups before losing.